Марти макфлай на английском

Мартин «Марти» Шеймус МакФлай (англ. Martin «Marty» Seamus McFly) — главный герой фантастической приключенческой трилогии «Назад в будущее». Ученик средней школы Хилл-Вэлли.

How Marty McFly and Doc Brown Became Friends

Marty was initially hesitant to agree, citing his lack of money and unwillingness to steal. However, he agreed when Needles goaded him by calling him " chicken ". Marty went to a music store and tried to buy one, but was told by the shop attendant that all of the stock was sold to ELB Enterprises. Marty left to go to Dr. Brown was a real nut case. ELB Enterprises - Dr. E Brown Dr. Brown set a series of traps which Marty had to overcome to gain entrance to the garage. After getting an electrical shock after using the keypad on the electrified gate around the garage, a recording stated that he was not "one to foresee" that happening.

Realizing that the wording was unusual, Marty picked up that it was a code, and punched in 1-2-4-C on the keypad. He tried to knock on the door, but no-one answered. Once inside, he set off elaborately set up a series of objects that caused a chain reaction resulting in him being captured in a net. He pushed his skateboard at the reset switch, which then released the net. Brown himself then entered to greet his guest. Marty told him that he had, and Doc told him that he was impressed that he made his way through the traps, especially his decision to release the net with his skateboard. Doc told Marty that he threw out all of the tubes, as he only wanted the box for his Static-O-Matic electric hair chair. Marty then grabbed the tubes out of the trashcan, and went back to Needles.

Ведь они оба были белыми воронами в своих средах. Док взял Марти на работу как бы подмастерьем, чтобы он помогал ему с экспериментами, в лаборатории, занимался собакой и т. Это и было началом их отношений". But the history of the characters that Bob Zemeckis and I created is this… For years, Marty was told that Doc Brown was dangerous, a crackpot, a lunatic. So, being a red-blooded American teenage boy, age 13 or 14, he decided to find out just why this guy was so dangerous.

Ты сын Марти Макфлая, так? Я что, похожа на Марти МакФлая? Who do I look like… Marty McFly? Я в образе Марти МакФлая из второй части Назад в будущее.

В своей одежде я похож на круглолицего Марти Макфлая из" Назад в будущее.

That kid over there was Marty McFlying all over the store and knocked down the tower of sodas. Its a Back to the Future threesome! I did a Marty McFly! When you are done skating for the time being you and kick the tail of the board sending it into the air and lands in your grasp.

Michael J. Fox: Marty McFly

The role of Marty is played by Michael J. Fox and as per the audience, he has worn some of the most casually cool and adored attires out of all the characters of the movie. Our category consists of a wide range of exact replicas of the attire worn by Marty Mcfly in the movie. noun: a puffy vest, usually made of down, as worn by Marty McFly in Back to the Future. Marty McFly is a character appearing in Back to the Future played by Michael J. Fox. Marty McFly quotes. View Quote [On the phone to Doc] Damn, I'm late for school! Marty is high-tech mugged by Snake. In Chief Wiggum's dream of being a cop in the future, Marty and a young girl were riding on hoverboards when he said that he was hungry and asked her if she wanted some space ice cream.

Biography Marty McFly (Michael J Fox)

По мнению авторов фильма "Назад в будущее" на роль Марти МакФлая изначально, до начала всех проб, лучше всего подходил Майкл Джей Фокс. Земекис познакомился с ним случайно, когда тот снимался в "Волчонке", и моментально отметил его как кандидата номер один. обычный подросток, если не считать одно проблемы. Marty Mcfly. The lead character from the Back To The Future Trilogy, played by Michael J Fox, known as an artist for the cover of Johnny B Goode by Chuck Berry from Back To The Future 1. There is also an indie rock band from the Philippines that goes by the same name. Marty McFly quotes. View Quote [On the phone to Doc] Damn, I'm late for school! The youngest teenage child of George McFly and Lorraine Baines, who aspires to become a musician. He is best friends with Doc Brown, the inventor of the DeLorean time machine, but when the latter gets gunned down, he accidentally travels to 1955.

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Brown return to 1955 again to steal the Almanac from 1955 Biff, in which they succeed. Brown, however, is sent to 1885 after lightning strikes the DeLorean. Marty receives a letter from Brown, written on September 1, 1885. Brown and informs him of everything that has happened. Together they discover that someone killed the doctor six days after he wrote the letter and that he had hidden the DeLorean in a mineshaft. Together, Marty and Doc from 1955 , dig up the DeLorean.

Marty goes back to 1885 in an attempt to save Doc and meets his great-great-grandparents, Seamus and Maggie, and their son, his great-grandfather. He searches for Dr. Brown and finds out he has become a blacksmith. While they plan their escape, Marty and Dr. Brown meet Clara Clayton, a teacher, and the doctor falls in love with her.

During the festival, "Mad Dog" and Marty agree on a one-on-one showdown Monday morning; however, that is the day Marty is meant to travel back to 1985. During the showdown, Marty defeats "Mad Dog" and proceeds the plan with the doctor. Finally, Dr.

Основная статья: Назад в будущее фильм В первом фильме Марти случайно попадает в 1955 год после того, как Дока на его глазах расстреливают ливийские террористы за то, что он украл у них плутоний. Оказавшись в прошлом, Марти находит молодого Дока и убеждает его, что он из будущего, рассказав, как тот придумал концепцию путешествий во времени. Но с возвращением домой возникает проблема — достать плутоний в 1955 практически невозможно, есть один шанс — подвести энергию молнии к машине времени, обеспечив ей нужный для перемещения заряд мощностью в 1,21 ГВт. Марти знает, что в башню с часами молния должна ударить через неделю после того дня, когда он оказался в прошлом. Док берёт на себя обязанности по подготовке к возвращению Марти домой, а юноша тем временем пытается исправить то, что он успел натворить — он помешал встрече своих родителей, и теперь его существование оказалось под угрозой.

Кроме того, за его матерью увивается местный хулиган Бифф Таннен, который в будущем стал начальником его отца Джорджа. В конце концов Марти удаётся вселить в Джорджа уверенность в себе, Лоррейн влюбляется в него, а Марти успешно перемещается во времени, успев также предупредить Дока о гибели, ожидающей его через 30 лет. Вернувшись в 1985 год, Марти обнаруживает, что всё изменилось к лучшему для его семьи, и Бифф теперь работает на Макфлаев. Марти видит свою подругу Дженнифер, они целуются, но в этот момент появляется Док на машине времени и говорит, что Марти должен отправиться вместе с ним в будущее, где в его семье возникли серьёзные проблемы. Основная статья: Назад в будущее 2 Путешественники оказываются в 2015 году, где Док рассказывает, что Мартин-младший, будущий сын, поддавшись на угрозы внука Биффа — Гриффа, решается на ограбление банка, но его ловят и сажают в тюрьму. Его дочь, Марлин, пытается устроить брату побег, но задумка оборачивается неудачей и её также приговаривают к тюремному заключению. Подобно событиям 1955 года, Марти противостоит Грифу и его банде, в результате чего хулиганы портят муниципальную собственность, и их арестовывают. Находясь в 2015 году Марти замечает в магазине спортивный альманах, но Док запрещает юноше брать книгу с собой в прошлое.

За этой сценой наблюдает пожилой Бифф — улучив момент пока герои вызволяют находящуюся под действием снотворного Дженнифер, которую полицейские отвезли в её будущий дом, Бифф угоняет DeLorean и отдаёт книгу самому себе в 1955 году. Вернувшись в 1985 герои не узнают родной город — в этом мире Бифф стал самым богатым человеком, убил Джорджа Макфлая и женился на Лоррейн. Узнав от Биффа из альтернативного 1985 года, когда он получил спортивный альманах, герои отправляются в 1955 год, где Марти, пытаясь не встретиться с самим с собой и помешать друзьям Биффа схватить другого его, выступающего на танцах, заполучает и уничтожает книгу, ставшую причиной стольких бед.

You told me the whole story! Doc: This is more serious than I thought. Apparently your mother is amorously infatuated with you instead of your father. Marty: Whoa, wait a minute, Doc.

Are you trying to tell me that my mother has got the hots for me? Doc: Precisely! Marty: Whoa, this is heavy. My density has bought me to you. Lorraine: [confused] What? George: [consults his notebook] Oh. What I meant to say was...

Lorraine: Wait a minute. George: Yes. George McFly. Lorraine: Oh. Lorraine: Marty, why are you so nervous? Marty: Well, sort of. Lorraine: Oh, I, I think I know exactly what you mean.

Marty: Y-y-you do? Lorraine: You know what I do in those situations? Marty: What? Marty: Believe me, it makes perfect sense. Bulletproof vest? How did you know? I di-I never got a chance to tell you.

The spacetime continuum?

After getting an electrical shock after using the keypad on the electrified gate around the garage, a recording stated that he was not "one to foresee" that happening. Realizing that the wording was unusual, Marty picked up that it was a code, and punched in 1-2-4-C on the keypad.

He tried to knock on the door, but no-one answered. Once inside, he set off elaborately set up a series of objects that caused a chain reaction resulting in him being captured in a net. He pushed his skateboard at the reset switch, which then released the net.

Brown himself then entered to greet his guest. Marty told him that he had, and Doc told him that he was impressed that he made his way through the traps, especially his decision to release the net with his skateboard. Doc told Marty that he threw out all of the tubes, as he only wanted the box for his Static-O-Matic electric hair chair.

Marty then grabbed the tubes out of the trashcan, and went back to Needles. He gave Needles one of the tubes, and told him that he had stolen the tube from Dr. Emmett Brown.

This resulted in Needles being scared, as he knew that Emmett Brown worked on the atomic bomb, and there were rumors that he was radioactive. Calvin Klein aka Marty McFly In the first film, Marty uses the alias of " Darth Vader , an extraterrestrial from the Planet Vulcan " while wearing a radiation suit in an attempt to coerce George into asking Lorraine out to the dance. Buford Mad Dog Tannen The character is portrayed as a tall, aggressive, dim-witted and misogynistic bully who obtains what he wants by intimidating others into doing his work for him, or by cheating.

He and his family members are shown to misuse idioms in ways that make them appear stupid and pathetic despite their intention to insult or scare. His favorite insult is "butthead". Rather than studying in high school, he is depicted as preferring to bully George McFly into doing his homework for him while he drinks and hangs out with his friends.

Marty McFly From Back To The Future Illness And Health Problems Explained

Marty and Doc had many adventures in this time machine, visiting 1955 , 2015 , an alternate 1985 and 1885 before finally returning home. Marty plays lead guitar in a rock and roll band called the Pinheads and likes listening to Huey Lewis and the News and Eddie Van Halen. He is a good skateboarder and hoverboarder in the future. Marty was too eager to fight or take dares whenever someone called him "chicken", which caused him to break his guitar-playing hand in an automobile race in 1985 and ruined his dream of becoming a rock star.

Актер озвучивал главных героев в таких проектах, как "Атлантида: Затерянный мир" и "Стюарт Литтл". Писатель - он выпустил уже три автобиографии. Однако он думал не только о своем здоровье, но и о состоянии других людей, страдающих болезнью Паркинсона. Такие порывы привели его к профессиональному исследованию болезни, поиску и разработке лекарств. Как следствие, он создал благотворительный фонд «The Michael J. За вклад в развитие науки и здравоохранения Фокс удостоился звания "почетного доктора" "honoris causa". Спасибо за прочтение!

Emmett Brown, car, text, logo png 1024x628px 335. Emmett Brown DeLorean time machine, Future, child, human png 745x654px 232. Emmett Brown DeLorean time machine, fashion, shoe png 480x828px 533.

Fox as Marty McFly , a teenager who inadvertently travels to 1955 and must find a younger version of his scientist friend, Emmett "Doc" Brown Christopher Lloyd. By the climax, Biff similarly challenges Marty McFly in the 1955 timeline, prompting a slow head turn and menacing stare from the time-traveling protagonist. At this point, Marty is just about to return to 1985 after acquiring a sports almanac that will prevent Biff from correctly predicting outcomes and becoming a multi-millionaire. Crucially, though, he accidentally stays too long.

What is marty Mcfly?

Таким образом, имя Марти произошло от этого приключения (хотя, путешествуя в прошлом, он изменил ход событий; следовательно, его имя будет иметь другое происхождение). Если мы заглянем в прошлое, в 1885 году Марти встречает своего прапрадеда Симуса МакФлая. Marty Mcfly. The lead character from the Back To The Future Trilogy, played by Michael J Fox, known as an artist for the cover of Johnny B Goode by Chuck Berry from Back To The Future 1. There is also an indie rock band from the Philippines that goes by the same name. a bully in Hill Valley. Марти МакФлай отправляется в прошлое и меняет историю. Marty McFly goes back and changes history. А в фильме "Назад в будущее" Марти МакФлай Познакомился со своей чрезвычайно привлекательной молодой мамой. in "Back to the future" Marty McFly got the opportunity to hook up with his extremely attractive young mother. А в фильме "Назад в будущее" Марти МакФлай Познакомился со своей чрезвычайно привлекательной молодой мамой. Marty McFly is a character appearing in Back to the Future played by Michael J. Fox.

Back to the Future Fans Celebrate the Day Marty McFly Went to the Future

But you’d be on a fool’s errand: because the Back To The Future films in which Marty McFly dies are in fact the same ones that have long been considered the most beloved films of the 1980s. младший из трех детей Джорджа МакФлая и Лоррейн Бейнс-МакФлай. У него есть брат Дэйв МакФлай и сестра Линда МакФлай. Marty McFly “Rock and Roll”. Marty met his future girlfriend Jennifer Parker in elementary school, although they became more acquainted after the fourth grade. Marty Mcfly. The lead character from the Back To The Future Trilogy, played by Michael J Fox, known as an artist for the cover of Johnny B Goode by Chuck Berry from Back To The Future 1. There is also an indie rock band from the Philippines that goes by the same name.

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